TAEGEUK IL-JANG (KEON): The principle represented by TAEGEUK IL-JANG is Keon, meaning heaven and light. Keon represents the beginning of everything on earth and the source of creation.
TAEGEUK EE-JANG (TAE): The principle represented by TAEGEUK EE-JANG is Tae, meaning joyfulness. Tae represents firmness, but gentleness. Accordingly, this poomse should be executed gently, yet forcefully.
TAEGEUK SAM-JANG (RI): The principle represented by TAEGEUK SAM-JANG is Ri, meaning fire and the sun. Ri gives man hope, warmth and enthusiasm. Accordingly, this poomse should be performed with variety and passion
TAEGEUK SA-JANG (JIN): The principle represented by TAEGEUK SA-JANG is Jin, meaning thunder. Jin is the object of fear and trembling. Accordingly, this poomse should be performed calmly and bravely in the face of danger.
TAEGEUK OH-JANG (SEON): The principle represented by TAEGEUK OH-JANG is Seon, meaning wind. Seon symbolizes the humble state of mind. Accordingly, this poomse should be performed with some actions done gently like a summer breeze and some actions forceful like the winds in a storm.
TAEGEUK YOOK-JANG (GAM): The principle represented by TAEGEUK YOOKJANG is Gam, meaning water. Gam is liquid and flows smoothly, but has great power. Accordingly, this poomse should be performed with fluidity and smoothness, but with powerful movements.
TAEGEUK CHIL-JANG (GAN): The principle represented by TAEGEUK CHIL-JANG is Gan, meaning “Top-Stop”. Gan symbolizes the mountain, characterized by stability. Accordingly, this poomse should be performed with great stability and quick strong movements.
TAEGEUK PAL-JANG (GON): The principle represented by TAEGEUK PAL-JANG is Gon, meaning Earth. Gon symbolizes the source of life from which we draw limitless energy. Accordingly, this poomse should be performed with great energy and enthusiasm.